[Advcomparch] Script Παράρτημα Γ

George Marinellis antibra at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 26 14:13:54 EET 2011

Καλησπέρα.Λοιπόν τρέχω το Β σκριπτ μέχρι το 1ο breakpoint όπου πάιρνω ένα chechkpoint "after-first-break.conf"
Στη συνέχεια πάω να τρέξω το Γ σκριπτ διαβάζοντας από αυτό το chechkpoint και παίρνω το ακόλουθο error:

run-command-file final_run.simics
      Using object prefix 'machine_0_'
       [default_sync_domain error] min-latency can not change once links have been connected
       There is already at least a link (component 'ethernet_link_cmp0' with link name 'link0') with the same link name, which is probably not what you   want. Choose a different link name for your new link.
  Failed reading configuration: Error setting attribute link_name in machine_0_ethernet_link_cmp0: illegal value
   This has left the configuration system in an inconsistent state.
   Restarting Simics is recommended.
  [final_run.simics:3] error in 'read-configuration' command
   Error - interrupting script

Το path που διαβάζω είναι σωστό.Καμιά ιδέα τι μπορεί να φταίει?

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