[Advcomparch] Could not establish SIFT connection

Θοδωρής Τροχάτος teoergasia20123 at gmail.com
Sat May 23 17:32:16 EEST 2020


έχω Ubuntu 18.04 και gcc 7.5.0 και κατά την εκτέλεση της εντολής της
εκφώνησης (αφού έβαλα το κατάλληλο path) :

./run-sniper –c gainestown –d sim.out

παίρνω ως έξοδο αυτό :

[SNIPER] Warning: Unable to use physical addresses for shared memory simulation.
[SNIPER] Start
[SNIPER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[SNIPER] Sniper using SIFT/trace-driven frontend
[SNIPER] Running full application in DETAILED mode
[SNIPER] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[SNIPER] Enabling performance models
[SNIPER] Setting instrumentation mode to DETAILED
[RECORD-TRACE] Using the Pin frontend (sift/recorder)
–c : No such file or directory
[SNIPER] WARNING: No SIFT connections made yet. Waiting...
[SNIPER] ERROR: Could not establish SIFT connection, aborting! Check
benchmark-app*.log for errors.
[SNIPER] Elapsed time: 60.20 seconds

Τι μπορεί να συμβαίνει;

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