[Advcomparch] Error κατά την εκτέλεση σε πραγματικό σύστημα

Marios Vlachoulis vllahulimario at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 16:20:49 EEST 2020

Όταν τρέχω τις προσομοιώσεις σε πραγματικό σύστημα για >1 threads (για 1
τρέχει κανονικά) μου βγάζει το παρακάτω error:

[SNIPER] Warning: Unable to use physical addresses for shared memory
[SNIPER] Start
[SNIPER] Sniper using SIFT/trace-driven frontend
[SNIPER] Running full application in DETAILED mode
[SNIPER] Enabling performance models
[SNIPER] Setting instrumentation mode to DETAILED
[RECORD-TRACE] Using the Pin frontend (sift/recorder)
0          [ 2485]  [ 0]  [scheduler_pinned_bas: 112]  *ERROR* Invalid core
1 found in sched_setaffinity() mask
sift_writft_writer.ccer.cc::5538: 38: uiuint64n_t St64_t
Siifftt::Wri::Writtere:r:::SySsycsacall(ulinl(uint16_t,t co1n6st_ chtar,
con*,s tu int32_char*,t uin)t:3 2A_t)ssertion `!: Asseresponse-r>ftion
a`il()[SNIPER] End
' [SNIPER] Elapsed time: 5.06 seconds
!response->fail()' failed.
Pin app terminated abnormally due to signal 6.
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