[Advcomparch] Pending nodes?

Agelos k kagelos19 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 18 00:03:32 EEST 2008

euxaristw gia thn apanthsh! 
Kata thn ektelesh tou sesc.mem gia thn 1h ekdosh tou pol/smou pairnw to parakatw output:

static[0x45c2b0-0x100c10bc] heap[0x100c2000-0x180c2000] stack[0x180c2000-0x188ba000] -> [0x7f4ffb000000-0x7f501345dd50]
sesc_simulation_mark 0 (simulated) @2199975
sesc_simulation_mark 1 (simulated) @151451714
Destroying TQueue 12 with pending nodes

Ti shmainei h teleutaia grammh? Yparxei kapoio provlhma?
Epishs, o xronos ekteleshs einai gyrw sta 4 lepta..

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